JW Player 5.3 Beta Integrates HTML5 Support

Blog 2 min read | Sep 13, 2010 | JW Player


Given the overwhelmingly popular response to the HTML5 Beta, we have decided to incorporate the HTML5 player functionality into the 5.3 release of the player. This means you can create one block of embed code that will work across all devices that support HTML5 or Flash, including the iPhone and iPad! For browsers with both Flash and HTML5 support, the choice is yours — simply configure the player’s failover behavior.


“>5.3 release candidate (RC1) is now available.

UPDATE 2: The official 5.3 release is now available on our main Players page.

The really exciting part is that the unified Flash/HTML5 player will support a brand new JavaScript embedder and API, which will allow you to quickly write more interesting player customizations and interactions.

Here are a couple of examples of things you can do with the new API. Just download the zip file below, upload the contents into the folder on your web server as your test page, and you’re good to go.

Embedding a skinned player with HTML5 failover

This’ll be the player

Setting event listeners

This’ll be the player

Creating an HTML playlist

We’re about to send the player into QA for a complete round of testing, but before we do, we’d love to hear your feedback on the new API and embedding mechanism. What do you like? What do you hate? Can we make this better? Now’s the time for your voice to be heard.

The beta can be downloaded via the link below. Remember, this is definitely a beta product and you’ll likely encounter a bug or two, so don’t go updating your production player just yet. That being said, we’d love for you to grab it, play around with the new API, and let us know what you think!