Updates that empower publishers to directly enhance engagement with the video experiences viewers want, curated at scale
In light of increased fragmentation and competition, it is no longer enough to simply present content to audiences and expect increased engagement. Viewers today expect to engage with appealing and slick content presentations that work well across all devices. Publishers that fail in this execution suffer from low view counts, high abandonment rates, and fewer return visits. In the second part of our Recommendations blog post series, we will discuss the visual improvements to Recommendations that enhance user interaction with content.
An interface that anticipates your user’s needs
New Recommendations Shelf Overlay that maximizes content awareness and encourages click throughs.
The Discovery Overlay has been updated to help publishers reduce audience abandonment mid-play. A new shelf of recommended content from the publisher’s library will now appear mid-screen when viewers pause, press the ‘More Videos’ button, or scroll to the bottom half of the video. The new shelf feature ensures viewers are always made aware of additional compelling content they could watch without interrupting the playback of the current video. Preliminary tests show that publishers have seen a 22% improvement in click throughs since implementing the new Recommendations Shelf.
Intuitive interactions with recommendations on any device
Our Recommendations is fully mobile optimized for engaging viewers on the go!
Welcome to the future with JW Recommendations on mobile! The Discovery Overlay is now optimized for all devices by supporting swipe gestures on mobile and keyboard shortcuts on desktop. Interacting with recommended content has never been more seamless—the kind of experience that will keep your viewers coming back for more.
Playlist widgets that optimize all pages and content types for video views
Get visitors more invested in your written editorial content by matching it with video.
Have you ever wondered how you can increase the ROI of your written editorial content with video but don’t have the technical means? JW Recommendations has the solution that many publishers are seeking. Our new developer code examples for Javascript playlist widgets makes displaying and aligning video with written content easy and fast. In doing so, you can capture increased viewer attention by presenting more related content.
To learn about how implementing these new visual features can deepen audience engagement and loyalty, please schedule time to talk with a video expert.